Fantastic Neighbours and Friends

Created by Sally 3 years ago
I have been trying to process the news about Nick and have been thinking a lot about you, Diane, and Nick and our times together; lots of laughs, lots of music (esp. Paul Weller!), lots of great parties; New Year’s Eves on the Hill and bonfire night and fireworks in the garden at No. 80.  Lots of talking bollocks way into the night, taking the piss out of each other, the boys dressing up in a ‘Kylie’ dress.  All great memories and I feel I have shared a lot of precious times with you and Nick, both the good and the bad. I am so lucky to have had you both as friends.  Even with Nick no longer physically with us, he will always be there for you every day.  So, my friendship with you and Nick, continues.
A couple of strange things happened on Thursday 3rd Sept., which I did not think were odd at the time although now seem a little more significant.  The first was the Peace Lily which you sent me.  It has been beautiful and really radiant since I got it.  However, on Thursday it went very limp.  I didn’t think it needed water, although gave it some and a feed.  It perked up by the next day, after I had received your email.
The second thing was when I went outside at one point on Thursday, a white feather spiralled down in front of me.  Not sure where from as there were not any birds around.  Again, it did not seem important until I read your mail and thought about the significance of a white feather and a death.  Both could be coincidental; it just seems more than that given the events of the day.
I remember the first day No. 3 and No. 15 made contact, when Rolf and Ian were building the steps up to Nos. 1 & 3.  You were viewing the property and walked past into town and found out what some of the neighbours were like.  Fortunately, you didn’t seem too put off!
I remember Nick referring to himself once as a ‘social chameleon’ as he had been to a party that resulted in him chatting easily to such a wide variety of people including, I believe, a vicar and a fascist. And that was Nick; great to chat to on a social level and even better to talk to on a deeper level.  A man for all conversations, all social events, and great friendships.  He will be sorely missed.